The Critic Current Issue

The Critic Current Issue – Mar’25 issue

In the March issue of The Critic, Fred Skulthorp reveals the extent of the crisis facing tv news channels whilst Paul Goodman finds a less deferential media is eating newspapers for breakfast. Jonathan Ford profiles Britain’s Net Zero supremo, Ed Miliband, David Starkey blames Lord Bingham for judicial activism, Robert Lyman identifies the military miscalculations that stopped Russia from overrunning Ukraine and Jo Bartosch finds that championing neurodiversity is the next big thing on campus.

Also, William Cook asks if East German art was any good, Stephen Bayley finds reasons to suspect the proposed memorial to Queen Elizabeth II will be awful, Henry Jeffreys uncorks a range of celebrity-endorsed wines, Jason Athanasiadis discovers Thessaloniki’s conveniently forgotten history, Patrick Kidd admires Georgian rugby and Toby Young has a bone to pick with VAR.

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